Islam religion
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Nicole Queen Revert to islam

Nicole Queen Revert to islam

I am an American girl from small town Texas who converted to the faith of Islam. Shocking, I know but living the chaotic lifestyle I lived as a night life photographer, drove me to look for a higher purpose in life. God was that purpose and I have never looked back.  I'm a public speaker about Islam in America and a professional photographer with 10 years of experience.  I am thankful for my new life, and happily married with a beautiful baby boy.  Read my story on

If only it were that easy. To be able to just post an ad when your first going through the transition of leaving your old life of emptiness, to fulfill your desire of closeness with God in Islam.  Or maybe, like one of those online match-maker sites, only you would need to be able to look for a whole lot more than just love. How about searching for a new identity, self belonging, friendships, possibly even a new career?  Wow, do people really ever look back and say "I can't believe I made it through that storm in one piece, but man it was worth it"?  I know I say that on a regular basis and I bet I'm not alone.  There is so much more to this, to becoming a Muslim, than just changing your faith.

Across the globe people everyday are reading, blogging, searching about Islam. It's the hottest topic, even in churches now instead of preaching about Christ, they can't seem to escape bringing up the subject of my new religion, Islam.  The demand for information on Muslims and Islam is growing and heaping and rolling into one of those giant snow balls, rolling down the hill and the best part is how many people it's grabbing into it's snowy fluff along the way. The excitement you feel when you come to Islam, I call it the "New Muslim High"...LOL.  I wish I could bottle that stuff up and sell it, it's such an amazing feeling. It's like all the sudden someone woke you up and said "Hey how's it going, let me introduce your to yourself, that old person was just your stunt double, here's the shiny amazing (you) that you've been dying to meet all this time". Along with any drastic changes to your life, you come to expect the challenges as well.

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