Islam religion: Why islam doesn't allow Muslim women to marry non Muslim men?
Monday, 15 February 2010

Why islam doesn't allow Muslim women to marry non Muslim men?

It is lawful by Allah Almighty for Muslim men to marry only Jewish or Christian women, but not lawful for Muslim women to marry non Muslim men of any faith why?.

In this article we will see the wisdom behind it.

Let us look at Noble Verse 5:5 "This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time,- when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues if any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good)."

Let us look at Noble Verse 2:221 "Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But God beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise."

"O ye who believe! take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport,- whether among those who received the Scripture before you, or among those who reject Faith; but fear ye God, if ye have faith (indeed). (The Noble Quran, 5:57)"

"O ye who believe! When there come to you believing women refugees, examine (and test) them: God knows best as to their Faith: if ye ascertain that they are Believers, then send them not back to the Unbelievers. They are not lawful (wives) for the Unbelievers, nor are the (Unbelievers) lawful (husbands) for them. But pay the Unbelievers what they have spent (on their dower), and there will be no blame on you if ye marry them on payment of their dower to them. But hold not to the guardianship of unbelieving women: ask for what ye have spent on their dowers, and let the (Unbelievers) ask for what they have spent (on the dowers of women who come over to you). Such is the command of God: He judges (with justice) between you. And God is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom. (The Noble Quran, 60:10)"

The reason why Allah Almighty didn't allow Muslim women to marry non Muslim men including the People of the Book, is because women especially in the Middle East 1400 years ago used to culturally follow their husbands' traditions/religions.

Arabs used to be idol worshipers, and they had different methods of idol worshiping depending on the tribe. When a woman marries a man from a tribe, then she is EXPECTED to follow his and his family's method of worship. So automatically, she would become part of them.

So when a Muslim woman marries a non Muslim man, she would be EXPECTED to follow his religion. This would also mean that the children that she will bring to life will also be non Muslims. So this is very serious in Islam.

That is why Allah Almighty prohibited for Muslim women to marry non Muslim men. As for Muslim men, from the non Muslim women, they are not allowed to marry any of them except from the People of the Book.

I as a Muslim am not allowed to marry a Hindu woman for instance according to the Laws of the Noble Quran. But I can however marry a Jewish woman for instance.

Islam is not exclusive. Social intercourse, including inter-marriage, is permitted with the People of the Book. A Muslim man may marry a woman from their ranks on the same terms as he would marry a Muslim woman, i.e., he must give her an economic and moral status, and must not be actuated merely by motives of lust or physical desire. A Muslim woman may not marry a non-Muslim man, because her Muslim status would be affected: the wife ordinarily takes the nationality and status given by her husband's law (especially in the Middle Eastern culture among the Arab pagans 1400 years ago). A non-Muslim woman marrying a Muslim husband would be expected eventually to accept Islam. Any man or woman, of any race or faith, may, on accepting Islam, freely marry any Muslim woman or man, provided it be from motives of purity and chastity and not of lewdness. Muslim men are prohibited to marry pagan women. Only women from the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) are ok to marry from.

Important Note: If we are not allowed to take the non-believers as friends and protectors, do you think we should consider marrying from them?

Allah Almighty, however, doesn't really like us to marry from Jews and Christians:

"Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: 'The Guidance of God,-that is the (only) Guidance.' Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against God. (The Noble Quran, 2:120)"

"They say: 'Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation).' Say thou: 'Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with God.' (The Noble Quran, 2:135)"

"Indeed they reject the truth, those that say "God is Christ, the son of Mary." For indeed, Christ said, worship God, who is my God and your God. (The Holy Quran, 5:72)"

"Ye [Muslims] are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God. If only the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. (The Noble Quran 3:110)"

"And they say: 'None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.' Those are their (vain) desires. Say: 'Produce your proof if ye are truthful.' (The Noble Quran, 2:111)"

"A section of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians during Prophet Muhammad's time] say: Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers [Muslims], but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam). (The Noble Quran, 3:72)"

"O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily God guideth not a people unjust. (The Noble Quran, 5:51)"

Trinity today, and the corruption of the Torah (The Law sent to the Jews) to prove that the Jews are the best people for all times and all places and the denial of Jesus peace be upon him and the many other false teachings are evidence of the false teachings and practices of the Christians and the Jews.

There is no need for a Muslim to put himself into the trouble of marrying from the People of the Book of today, because most of them are corrupted, and Allah Almighty orders us to not take them as friends or protectors. We must know that according to Islam most of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) are perverted transgressors, deceiving and in some cases are hypocrites.

Important Note: If we are not allowed to take the Jews and Christians as friends and protectors, do you think we should consider marrying from them?

Muslim men and women be aware of fornication (zina)! Stay away from it!

Let us look at Noble Verse 24:3-5 "Let no (Muslim) man guilty of adultery or fornication marry and but a (Muslim) woman similarly guilty, or an Unbeliever (pagan woman): nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: to the Believers such a thing is forbidden. And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations),- flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors; unless they repent thereafter and mend (their conduct); for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

Notice how Allah Almighty allows a Muslim man who commits fornication to marry a pagan woman, and a Muslim woman who commits fornication to marry a non Muslim man. The reason for that is because in Allah Almighty's sight, those who commit fornication or adultery are no longer Muslims, "unless they repent thereafter and mend (their conduct); for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful...(24:5)"

A Muslim man or woman who commits fornication or adultery is not any better than the pagan idolater in Allah Almighty's sight. This is a very serious sin in Islam that Muslims must be extremely careful from. Fornication is Satan's number one temptation to all mankind. Muslims are ordered to resist it and to not fall into it.

If you are a Muslim brother or sister who committed fornication (zina) before and was not aware of Noble Verses 24:3-5, and repented, and would like to marry a good Muslim man or woman who never committed fornication before, then Allah Almighty will accept your marriage my dear brother or sister, because He the Almighty will only punish those who know the truth after it was recited to them; "Except for those that repent (even) after that [after the truth had been revealed to them; see 3:85], and make amends; for verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 3:89)" Allah Almighty forgives those who rejected the truth after accepting it and went astray afterwards and repent later.

Allah Almighty forgives those who did not know. In the case of fornication, if a Muslim man or woman did not know that fornication is similar to rejecting Islam and becoming an infidel, then Allah Almighty will excuse them after they know the truth and they repent and stop doing it. Their marriage from good Muslim men or women who never committed fornication or adultery would be Islamicly valid.

Q: What is the punishment for a Muslim woman who marries a Christian man?
How is a woman to be punished if she marries a Christian? How often is it carried out and in what countries is it most common?

Praise be to Allaah.

It is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry (non-Muslim), whether he is Jewish, Christian or an idol-worshipper, because the man has authority over his wife, and it is not permissible for a non mulim to have authority over a Muslim woman.

“And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone)” [al-Baqarah 2:221]

“And never will Allaah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers” [al-Nisaa’ 4:141]

And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Islam should prevail and should not be prevailed over.”

If a Muslim woman marries non muslim when she knows the ruling, then she is a zaaniyah (adulteress), and her punishment is the punishment for adultery. If she was ignorant of the ruling then she is excused, but they must be separated, and there is no need for a divorce because the marriage is null and void. On this basis, the Muslim woman whom Allaah has honoured with Islam and her guardian must beware of that and must adhere to the limits set by Allaah, and they must feel proud of Islam. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Those who take disbelievers for Awliyaa instead of believers, do they seek honour, power and glory with them? Verily, then to Allaah belongs all honour, power and glory” [al-Nisaa’ 4:139]


Anonymous said...

This article is a very good explanation of this belief.

All religions that exist should be for the good of mankind, to guide them on a direct path,which God wants, and his followers should want this. However, religions are ways for humans to group together with common belief systems and practices, find things we have in common, then yell at someone else because they do not believe like they do. "I'm wearing a blue shirt, you are wearing a red one, how dare you!" When you are both walking to the church to praise God. Does it really matter?

God wants us to love each other, respect our different beliefs, and follow common sense and respect. Do not kill, do not commit fornication or adultry, do unto others as you would like, etc.

Our morals get worn down as the generations progress, to the point of believing our own lies. I know I myself do not live up to the standards I once set for myself. I do however listen to everyones opinions and never judge, for I am only human. You will win the battle with honey not vineger, and too many people forcefully shove a belief or practice.

Is it not better to gently show them the way by your thoughts and actions and ask God to speak to their heart and mind, for only he knows a person to their fullest, and he will guide them. We can never make another person accept an idea thy are not willing to accept. We have to want change for ourselves.

To everyone who loves God with all their hearts minds and souls Stop the hatred no matter what form, for God is love. yes, he will judge rightously, we should not. Just a thought.

Thank you for hearing my voice.

Unknown said...

Tahnks Anonymous For your comment
it's really nice To hear from you
First Islam is the religion of love and mercy
No hatred in islam
Allah (God) = love
I first of all would like to start this beautiful topic about Allah Almighty's Mercy by showing this Saying from our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him:
Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, 'When Allah completed the creation, He wrote in His Book which is with Him on His Throne, 'My Mercy overpowers My Anger.' ' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Beginning of Creation, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 416)"
There are ample Noble Verses from the Noble Quran that talk about Allah Almighty's Mercy and Forgiveness. In fact, when I check the index in the back of the Noble Quran that I have, I find that there are tons of references of Noble Verses that talk about Allah Almighty's Mercy and Forgiveness. Without exaggeration, just by looking at the references, I would say there are at least 100 Noble Verses.
Let us look at few of them that I selected:
"Say: "To whom belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth?" Say: "To God. He hath inscribed for Himself (the rule of) Mercy. That He will gather you together for the Day of Judgment, there is no doubt whatever. It is they who have lost their own souls, that will not believe. (The Noble Quran, 6:12)"
Disbelievers' sins will be all forgiven for them when they embrace Islam: "Say to the Unbelievers, if (now) they desist (from unbelief), their past would be forgiven for them; but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of warning for them).(The Noble Quran, 8:38)"
"The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all between,- Exalted in Might, able to enforce His Will, forgiving again and again. (The Noble Quran, 38:66)"
If we are sincere, our daily sins are almost always forgiven: "Those who avoid great sins and shameful deeds, only (falling into) small faults,- verily thy Lord is ample in forgiveness. He knows you well when He brings you out of the earth, And when ye are hidden in your mothers' wombs. Therefore justify not yourselves: He knows best who it is that guards against evil. (The Noble Quran, 53:32)"
If you ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness, then He'll forgive you: "If any one does evil or wrongs his own soul but afterwards seeks God's forgiveness, he will find God Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 4:110)"
If you are grateful to Allah Almighty, then He'll give you more: "And remember! your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): 'If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you; But if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed.' (The Noble Quran, 14:7)"
Be sure that Allah Almighty is always Willing to forgive all of your sins: "Say: 'O my Servants who Have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 39:53)"
The use of the word "Say" in this Noble Verse means that Allah Almighty wants us to always remind each others by reciting this Noble Verse to those who need it.
Allah Almighty accepts our many sins: "If God were to punish men according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily God has in His sight all His Servants. (The Noble Quran, 35:45)"
Allah Almighty is our friend and He is close and listens:
"Your (real) friends are God, His Apostle, and the (fellowship of) believers,- those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship). (The Noble Quran, 5:55)"
For more read in my Blog

tracy muslima said...

it's from Allah mercy that he (swa) FORBIDDEN the marriage between

muslima and non muslim men . when i only imagine that I feel sick

How I accept in my life non muslim man who don't believe in one God (Allah)

the Hightest love is Allah . and when you love someone much you can't bear that anyone say

bad thing about that person so how about Allah (the Hightest love)?.

and as you said Yassin Childeren will be as the Father .If he CHRISTIAN

my Childeren will be CHRISTIAN. No

Not REASONABLE. I can't bear see my childeren follow False Religion.

I can't . it's a mercy From God (Allah) that he (swa) FORBID it.

Unknown said...

Good point Tracy

and as you said it's a mercy From God (Allah)

that he (swa) FORBID the marriage between

muslim woman and non muslim man .Thanks Allah

tracy muslima said...

let me add

Let me first state emphatically, that the foundation of an Islamic society is justice and equity. Allah has created men and women as equal, but with different capabilities and different responsibilities. Men and women are different, physiologically and psychologically. Their roles and responsibilities are different. Men and women are equal in Islam, but not identical.
Surah Nisa’ Chapter 4 verses 22 to 24 gives the list of women with who you can not marry and it is further mentions in Surah Nisa’ Chapter 4 verse 24 "Also (prohibited are) women already married"
The following points enumerate the reasons why polyandry is prohibited in Islam:
1. Ireatase able for the past may not be applicable for the present.
2. Man is more polygamous by nature as compared to a woman.
3. B duties as a wife. A woman undergoes several psychological and behavioral changes due to different phases of the menstrual cycle.

janneke said...

I accept that my husband marry again and don't accept that my husband COMMIT adultery

What's the different ?

there's a huge different

marry another women don't mean that he don't love or care about me

he will do his best to make both of us happy as God order him.

Selfish woman who don't want her husband happy if he see that his happiness to marry again

COMMIT adultery=CHEAT and unrespect

And that's why allah (God) FORBIDDEN adultery.

jesus in islam said...

First of all, it is important for us to keep in mind that Islam came to establish two very important fundamentals for human beings:

Rights and Limits.

Everyone and everything has certain rights given to it by the Creator and Sustainer of the universe (Allah). At the same time, each creation has its own limitations established by Allah.

First Right - Allah has the right to be worshipped without making partners from what He has created. Direct worship to Him, alone.

Second Right - Prophet's right to be followed according to his teaching and commandments.

Third Right - Parents rights to be honored and cared for, with special emphasis on the mother first.

Fourth Right - Wives and Husbands have rights on each other.

Conditions 1,400 Years Ago

Now let us do some basic research here. We begin by looking into the condition of the women in various societies at the time 1,400 years ago when Allah revealed the Quran to Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Pagan Arabs - Burying Girls Alive

During that time the pagan Arab men used to bury their newborn daughters alive in the sand, out of shame for having something so low and disgusting like a girl instead of a son. Women were treated horribly and with utter disgust.

Men could marry as many as they liked and very often they owned women like cattle or sheep. There were no laws to protect the women and they had no rights at all.

Christians - Arguing If Women Had Souls

Christians at that time were holding council meetings to determine whether or not a woman even had a soul. The church blamed "Eve" the mother of all humans after Adam (peace and blessings be upon him) for the "original sin" and damned her and her seed for what she had done.

Priests - Best Men - Forbidden Marriage - To Any Women

Priests, bishops, cardinals and even the Pope are the very best of the Catholic men within the church. Yet the church still forbids their clergymen the chance for marriage and families. This unnatural situation has caused very serious ramifications throughout the society around the world.

Nuns - Best Women - No Marriage - No Children

Nuns are the very best of the Catholic women. They cover themselves in proper attire much the same way as the Muslim women. Yet, they are never allowed to marry or have children throughout their lives. This unnatural condition has caused untold number of disgraceful and disgusting practices within the very church itself.

If Only Bad People Have Children - What About Tomorrow?

We must ask the question, "If the very best of the men and the very best of the women are not allowed to marry or have children - does this mean only the worst of the people are the ones allowed to reproduce and populate the world?" - And where will that leave us tomorrow?

Jews - Blame Women and Curse Women

The Jews blamed women for the "original sin" and as such they were treated with disgust. A woman's monthly cycle was considered by the Old Testament of the Bible to be a "curse from God" for her inequities. Her child bearing pains were also a 'punishment from God' for her bringing man down from heaven.

Islam - No Blame On Women For Evil

Islam does not blame Eve for Adam's sin. Each of them accepted their own mistake and repented to Allah, and asked Allah to forgive them and Allah did forgive them.

jesus in islam said...

Now before going any further, please read Surah An-Nisa' (chapter 4 in the Quran) - all the way through, in order to better understand what is actually being said about women, men and marriage.

Read Quran

Now let us think about the verses. Do you believe that Allah Knows what He created and He has revealed the perfect 'Deen'? Do you know the condition of the people at the time the order came to restrict the number of wives? (Restricted to be only four)

"Now read the verse about having more than one wife, very carefully." [Noble Quran 4:3]

What does it say? And what do you understand from it?

"Now read the ayah (verse) that forbids men to marry women who are already married." [Noble Quran 4:24]

Now read from An-Nisa' (Chapter 4) about the role of men and women. [4:34]

Man Supports And Protects Women

Do you understand that one must take on the role of supporter, protector, provider, custodian and servant to the family (man's role)?

Woman Gives Birth - Raises Children

One must take on the role of carrying the child and delivering it and then feeding it and raising it to become a true servant of Allah (woman's role).

Not Equal - But Treated Fairly In Justice

Men and women are not the same nor are they "equal" as some folks would have us believe. Whatever is on one side of an 'equals' sign must be exactly the same as what is on the other side without any difference in value, only in the way that it is expressed. How then could we say that a man, who is unable to conceive or give birth and then breast feed a baby is the equal to a woman who can?

Equal In Faith And Actions

They are equal in their beliefs and good deeds of course. But still they are not the same as each other. Each one must fulfill their role as humans.

Children's Rights Protected

Islam is also very much about rights. Children also have rights in Islam. When a man dies his wealth is left to his family. How could the court know who to give the wealth of a man, if he was one of several husbands to a woman? How would a child know who his father was? No society ever supported the concept of a woman being married to two or more men at the same time.

Women's Right - Best Treatment

Almost every society supported the concept of a man having more than one woman. Yet, they did not limit the number nor did they provide the protection and maintenance that Islam insists on for each one. Islam came to set things straight. Women were given rights. Men were strictly ordered to treat their women with the very best of treatment.

Limit - Number in Marriage

When the verse was revealed the companions of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)did not run out with the attitude that they were going to get four wives all of a sudden. Some of them already had much more than that and these men had to divorce their wives, if they had more than four. So this was not an order to go out and get four wives. It was an order to begin limitations. And the first limitation was; No more than four.

Limit - Equal Maintenance and Treatment

Second, the limitation of equal treatment for all of them. How could a man keep more than one wife unless he was exceedingly wealthy and/or exceedingly strong and virile?

Next, the limitation very clearly states; ".. but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them) then only one ..."

jesus in islam said...

Muslims Today - Most Monogamous

Step by step, the men of Islam have come to be known today as the most monogamous of all men on earth (we only have one wife). Check for yourself and see. In the majority of all the Muslim homes on earth, a man gets married once, to one woman and then he stays married to her until the death of either himself or his wife.

Woman's Right To Choose Any Husband She Likes -

Even If He Is Already Married

One very important point that is often overlooked by modern society is the right that Islam gave to the women that it does not give to the man. A man is limited to marry only from the woman who is not already married. Obviously, this provides rights for the children and provides for them from inheritance from the father. But Islam also permits the women to marry a man who is already married to protect her in a society where the number of women outnumbers the population of men. Additionally, the woman has a large selection of men to choose from. In fact, she has the right to choose from any man in the community as long as he does not already have four wives. She also has the opportunity to see how the other wife was being treated and go into a marriage knowing exactly what to expect from her husband. After all, he must treat her in the same way as he is treating the other wife.

Women Need Husbands - Allah Provided the Answer

The prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) predicted that in the Last Days the women would outnumber the men to a great extent. Today we are seeing this become a reality all over the world. Allah has already provided for us for this occasion. After all, He is the One who makes it all happen and He already knew that many women would come into Islam in these days. He also knew many of the Muslim men would be killed or die at an early age, just as it is happening these days. These women all need husbands. Allah has given us the solution to all of life's problems.

Women's Right to Vote - 1,400 Years Ago

We might add that Islam also gave the women full status as citizens over 1,400 years ago by giving her to right to speak and vote the same as anyone else. American women had to take their cause to the streets with "Women's Suffrage" and were not granted the right to vote until just ninety years ago.

Women Keep Their Identity - And Their Names

Additionally, Islam protected women's rights to keep their identity and they were not considered property of some man. As such, they were no longer forced to change their last names to be that of their husbands. This is still the practice of Muslim women today just as it was fourteen hundred years ago.

Women Keep Their Property And Earnings - Men Must Share

Yet, at the same time the western society is so concerned about the way Islam demands that a couple be married, the man actually must work instead of the woman; the woman owns her own property without giving anything for the support of the house or the child; a child has the right to his or her own mother raising them instead of a baby sitter or day care; father must support his children; divorce is hated; and marriage is sanctified.

West Can't Tolerate Man And Woman - In Marriage

It is strange isn't it, a society like America, has no problem accepting sex without marriage; homosexuality; same sex marriages; sex without responsibility; children without fathers; and divorces are more common place than the measles or chicken pox. Yet, there is no tolerance for marriage between a man and a woman if it is not on their terms.

What Needs to Be Re-evaluated?

Compare the two for yourself and see which one needs correction.

Unknown said...

thanks janneke ,tracy and jesus in islam

For you Great post . I enjoyed reading them

Beautiful my Brothers and sisters in islam

Sorry for my late respond but i was really busy

hope to hear more comments from you

Fi aman allah

Take care

Yassin shalaby

jesus in islam said...

Islam being a complete way of life gives us the minutest details of how to live our lives and the roles we have in society. Man by nature tends to be dominant and woman by nature tends to be compromising. This is a fact which cannot be denied. Some women might claim that they are more dominant in their marriage etc and hence it is not always true that men are dominant. Even if I do agree that there are some women who are more dominant as compared to their husbands, these still are rare cases. Like two in a thousand and thus a minority. Islam is a universal religion and thus needs to secure people at a global level and thus in certain issues its rulings are based on the majority rather than minority.
One might ask here how Islam is securing the woman by its rulings on this matter. Primarily Islam teaches us to believe in all the prophets (pbut) that were sent by Allah (swt) to Mankind. Thus a Muslim by default believes in Jesus (as) and Moses (as). On the other hand, the Christian does not believe in Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Jew does not believe in Muhammad (saw) nor Jesus (as) as prophets of Allah (swt). This is a very important point because a Muslim man would by default respect the prophet which his non-Muslim wife believes in but a non-Muslim man would not believe or respect the prophet which his wife believes in. After the couple has children, the non-Muslim wife would teach their child to love and respect the prophet she believes in. The Muslim man would certainly not object if his child is being taught to love Jesus (as) or Moses (as). On the other hand the non-Muslim husband might object when his Muslim wife would teach their child about Islam.
It is highly likely for the man to teach his children the religion he follows. A non-Muslim man with a Muslim wife would then teach their child to be a Christian or Jew. This would mean that the mother would have to be a witness to her child being led onto the wrong path. In such a situation the mother might retaliate by teaching her child the Islamic values and principles. This in turn would lead the relations between the spouses to turn sour. This could also lead to domestic violence.
The United States is a country which is most vociferous regarding rights of individuals. In a survey carried out by The Commonwealth Fund in 1998 and it was seen that there was an estimated 960,000 cases of domestic violence. They stated that around one-third of the American women report being physically or sexually abused by their husbands or boyfriends. Moreover they add that around thirty percent of the American people claim that they know of a woman who was abused physically by her husband or boyfriend. These are the realities which one tends to overlook when they speak about Islam being unfair to the Muslim woman. Further the non-Muslim spouse could end up divorcing his wife, which would lead to trauma for the Muslim woman and the children.
The non-Muslim husband would naturally not recognize Prophet Muhammad (saw) to be a prophet of Allah (swt) and might object to the Islamic practices of his wife. He could object to the hijab which the wife would wear. He could want the wife to dress more 'moderately' especially when accompanying him to a party. Moreover he could ask the wife to sit with him while he consumes alcohol. The husband could want the wife to serve alcohol for him and a couple of friends after dinner. It is a huge sin in Islam for a person to have anything to do with alcohol. Moreover the husband could want to eat pork for lunch or dinner and could ask the wife to cook it for him. Again this is something not allowed for a Muslim to do and thus would cause trouble in the family. The husband could find it okay for him to drink where his wife is offering prayers. It could be okay for the husband to keep a pet dog inside the house. This is another thing which is not allowed by Islam but the non- Muslim husband might not understand it. As it can be seen, there can be a lot of issues which can arise between the marriage of a Muslim woman and non-Muslim man.

jesus in islam said...

It is also important to point out that the non-Muslim man could later on, either of himself or out of pressure from his family, compel the Muslim woman to accept the faith he follows. On the other hand, a Muslim man respects the People of the Book and is under strict instructions from Allah (swt) not to compel his wife to change her faith. Hence the rights of a non- Muslim wife are secure and protected in the house of a Muslim man whereas it is not necessarily the same in a vice versa situation.

One might say that it could also be possible for a non-Muslim wife to disrespect the Muslim husband's beliefs as well. What is interesting is that such a case is highly unlikely to occur because of the teachings present in the books of the People of the Book. The Bible tells us that when Eve committed the sin, the punishment she received from God was:

To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." – [Genesis 3:16]

Thus to the women of the People of the Book, their scripture teaches that their husband will rule over them and they are not to speak against them as the husbands are given this position by God. It should be noted here that such a concept does not exist in Islam and both Adam and Eve are blamed equally for the sin they committed.

Now let us further see what the religious scriptures, of the People of the Book, teach. They state that the wives are to submit to their husbands just as they submit to God. The wife is told to submit to their husbands just the way the church submits to Christ.

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. – [Ephesians 5:22-24]

Another verse that is important to mention is as such:

Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. – [1 Peter 3:1-2]

As one can see that the women of the People of the Book are told to completely submit to their husbands regardless of whether the husband believes in the word or not. To them the husband has been given a position by God to rule over them. Thus it is highly unlikely for her to disrespect her husband. At the same time the non- Muslim man comes from the line of thought that they are in this world to rule over their wives and that their wives should submit to them like they would submit to God. Hence it is highly likely for there to be clashes between the marriages of non- Muslim men with Muslim women.

jesus in islam said...

However this would further give rise to another question which people could ask. They could say that Islam teaches the wife to be respectful towards her husband so then there should be no clash between a Muslim wife and her non-Muslim husband. This line of argument would hold to be true only if the husband was given a status above God in Islam. That is of course not the case and Islam asks for complete submission to Allah (swt) and then come other responsibilities. Islam stresses on Muslims to respect their parents yet Muslims are not supposed to follow their parents' orders if they are contrary to the teachings of Islam. Similarly a Muslim woman is not to follow what her husband says if it is contrary to the teachings of Islam.

Thus keeping all the factors in mind any Muslim woman would agree that she is better off marrying a Muslim man as opposed to a non-Muslim man. Allah (swt) has Absolute Wisdom and thus He has set laws which are only better for us. We, being humans, have limited wisdom which is negligible in front of Allah (swt) and thus at times we might not be able to comprehend the true reason why certain things are forbidden in Islam. Allah (swt) does know that many would not recognize that which is bad for us and thus He says in the Quran:

But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not. – [Quran 2:216]

Unknown said...

I received strange comment in that Blog from non muslim (Matt) which shows how some non muslim carry misconceptions about islam .all you said Matt about islam and the prophet muhammmed not true at all .

I didn't approve your comment cause it's not in right place ..we DISCUSS here

That Question about muslim women . you will find your answers in my other Blogs

any more question please write your question in Right place

Take care

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