Sunday, 20 June 2010
What Islam Says about Tolerance and Forgiveness?
Description: What Islam says about tolerance and forgiveness? Does the Quran speak of tolerance? Did the Prophet come with tolerance and mercy?
Main Speaker: Dr. Bilal Philips
Key Points of This Video
The concept of tolerance and forgiveness in Islam [start time 00:00]
Answer [start time 01:25]
Read about the life of the prophet!
Example of tolerance from the life of the prophet. [start time 02:50]
Another Example from history - Salahudin [start time 04:15]
Conclusion [start time 05:50]
Other Videos in the Same Category
Main Speaker: Dr. Bilal Philips
Key Points of This Video
The concept of tolerance and forgiveness in Islam [start time 00:00]
Answer [start time 01:25]
Read about the life of the prophet!
Example of tolerance from the life of the prophet. [start time 02:50]
Another Example from history - Salahudin [start time 04:15]
Conclusion [start time 05:50]
Other Videos in the Same Category
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Hindu women accepting islam After Question Dr.Zakir Naik
Description : Hindu women accepting islam After Question Dr.Zakir Naik About islam .
Excellent answer by brother zakir naik may almighty bless him .
Main Speaker: Dr.Zakir Naik
Hindu women accepting islam After Question Dr.Zakir Naik
" Romance " | MySpace Video
Excellent answer by brother zakir naik may almighty bless him .
Main Speaker: Dr.Zakir Naik
Hindu women accepting islam After Question Dr.Zakir Naik
" Romance " | MySpace Video
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Islam is The Religion Of Peace
Description: Islam is a religion, which guides its followers in every aspect of their lives. It is a way of life. Islam is the modern or latest version of the message sent by God through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, Islam was sent to mankind through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Islam is "modern" in the sense that it has come to complement the teachings, which were introduced through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Islam is a religion, which seeks to give a meaningful purpose to our life on this earth. Islam seeks to guide us in fulfilling that purpose by creating harmony between Creator, our fellow human beings and ourselves.
Main Speaker:Sami Zaatari
Other Videos in the Same Category
Islam is a monotheistic religion. It teaches that there is only one God who is the origin and creator of the universe. This is the foundation stone of Islam, and is reflected in the famous sentence, which says that, "There is no god but Allah" (Allah is the Arabic name of God). The belief in God relates us to our origin and guides us throughout our life. The belief in one God shows that man should not worship any material thing or person in this universe. By teaching that there is only One God for all humans, Islam promotes the sense of brotherhood and equality in human society, all are equally related to God in the same way. The Holy Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, says: Say: He is God, the One and Only, God the Eternal, Absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten. And none is like Him. Holy Qur'an (Chapter 112)
Our life on this earth has a specific purpose; it is not the result of nature's accident, nor is it a punishment for eating the fruit of the forbidden tree. We are here according to God's plan: the worldly life is a test; it is a chance to prove ourselves as deserving of the eternal blissful life in the hereafter. God did not create us just for few years of this life. To be created just for this world's life would amount to a joke played by the Creator with the human species. Muhammad (pbuh), the Prophet of Islam, said, "You have not been created to perish; on the contrary, you have been created for eternal life." According to Islam, the final destination of mankind is the life hereafter. At the end of time, all human beings will be resurrected and will be held accountable for their worldly life: The life in hereafter will be an eternal life. However, whether it will be blissful or full of sorrow depends on how we spend our present life. It was to help mankind in achieving this objective that God sent various prophets and messengers to guide them. Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet; and Islam is the final and complete version of God's message.
PRIME CREATION: Human being is the prime creation of God. He says, "We have indeed honoured the children of Adam; spread them in the land and the sea, provided them with good things; and preferred them in esteem over many things that We have created." Holy Qur'an (17:70)
BORN SINLESS: Islam teaches that every human being is born sinless; no child carries the burden of his or her ancestor's sins. God says, "And a burdened soul cannot bear the burden of another and if one weighed down by burden should cry for (another to carry) its burden, not aught of it shall be carried, even though he be near of kin." Holy Qur'an (35:18) Each human being is born with a pure conscience, which can absorb and accept the true message of God. It is only the social and familial influences, which take a person away from God's message.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Islam also emphasizes on the issue of responsibility and accountability of human beings, each person is responsible for his or her own actions. Although Islam teaches that God has predetermined the span of our life and time of our death, but this does not mean that even our actions are predetermined by Him. We surely are free in our actions and are, therefore, accountable for them. God only provides guidance for us to know what is good and what is bad. He says, "Surely We have created man from a small life-germ uniting (itself): We mean to try him, so We have made him hearing, seeing. Surely We have shown him the way: he may be thankful or unthankful." Holy Qur'an (76:2-3)
RAGE: Islam very categorically rejects racial discrimination. It promotes the feeling of brotherhood and equality among its followers. God clearly says, "O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware." Holy Qur'an (49:13) Therefore, no one can claim any superiority over others based on racial or tribal differences. A person is to be judged by his character, not by his colour or race. God continues, "Surely the most honourable of you in God's sight is the person who is most upright in character among you". Holy Qur'an (49:13)
GENDER: Even gender does not count as a criterion of superiority. In Islam, a woman is as human as men. They are not evaluated on basis of their gender, but on basis of their faith and character. Fourteen hundred years ago, the Holy Qur'an recorded God's clear statements on this issue. Out of the four verses, I will just quote one: "Whoever, be it a male or a female, does good deeds and he or she is a believer, then they will enter the Paradise." Holy Qur'an (4:124) So there is no difference in the degree or level of woman's humanity or honour in Islam. The only difference there exists is concerning the role which Islam has envisioned for man and woman. This has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority. In Islam, man and woman are equal in rights; but equality is not synonymous to similarity. Islam believes that man and woman are equal but dissimilar. Islam looks at their different roles in society not as superior or inferior but as complementary to each other.
Islam is a religion of peace. This is evident even from the name "Islam" itself. ("Islam" is an Arabic word.) The word "Islam" and the Arabic word for peace, "salaam" both come from the same root, "salima". Muslims are taught to greet each other by saying "salamun alaykum (peace be upon you)." The daily prayers also end with the same sentence. In Islam, one of the names by which God is known is "Salaam", which means peace. However, one must realize that peace can never be achieved in vacuum. It is inter twined with justice. One can have peace only on basis of justice. "Justice" means putting everything in its rightful place. If one starts putting things in the wrong places, then he disrupts the social harmony and disturbs peace. Islam seeks to promote peace on two levels:
1. Peace Within One's Self: A person can achieve inner peace by creating harmony and balance between his main emotions (desire and anger) and his spiritual self. In other words, between his emotions and his conscience. Human's spiritual power or conscience is not a static phenomenon: it has the ability of growth as well as decadence. God swears by the soul of human being and says, "He inspired to it to understand what is good and what is evil. Prosperous is the person who purifies it, and failed is he who seduces it." Holy Qur'an (91:10)
2. Peace With Others: Islam very strongly emphasizes on the rights, which people have over each other. It seeks to preserve peace in society by training and urging its followers to fulfill the rights of each other. In Islam, salvation is not possible by just fulfilling the rights of God; one has to fulfill the rights of other human beings also.
Unfortunately, because of the Middle Eastern events of last three decades, Islam has been branded by the media as a religion of violence. In recent years, the word "Islamic" has become one of the adjectives of "terrorism." In this back-drop, firstly, one must realize that the events in the Middle East can be fairly and fully understood only in the light of the post world war I history of that region, in particular the promises given by the British to the Arabs. Secondly, no fair-minded person would allow himself to blame the religion of Islam for the wrong-doings of those who call themselves as Muslims. It is just like saying that the Catholic Church promotes violence and terrorism because of the Irish Republican Army's activities!
Islam is a monotheistic religion (believing in only one God) originating with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Islam is the second-largest religion in the world today, with an estimated 1.5 billion adherents, spread across the globe, known as Muslims. Muslims form the majority in more than 50 countries of the world. Today Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world - its beautiful message is reaching millions in the far corner of the earth. One more meaning of the word "Islam" means "submission", referring to the total surrender of one's self to God, and the word Muslim means "one who submits (to God)".
Muslims believe that God revealed the Holy Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the course of twenty three years as the final and last message to mankind through angel Gabriel (on whom be peace). The Holy Qur'an and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Sunnah are regarded as the fundamental sources of Islam. Muslims do not regard Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Muslims hold that part of the messages of these prophets became distorted over time either in interpretation, in text, or both. Like Judaism, and Christianity, Islam is also an Abrahamic religion.
Main Speaker:Sami Zaatari
Other Videos in the Same Category
Islam is a monotheistic religion. It teaches that there is only one God who is the origin and creator of the universe. This is the foundation stone of Islam, and is reflected in the famous sentence, which says that, "There is no god but Allah" (Allah is the Arabic name of God). The belief in God relates us to our origin and guides us throughout our life. The belief in one God shows that man should not worship any material thing or person in this universe. By teaching that there is only One God for all humans, Islam promotes the sense of brotherhood and equality in human society, all are equally related to God in the same way. The Holy Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, says: Say: He is God, the One and Only, God the Eternal, Absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten. And none is like Him. Holy Qur'an (Chapter 112)
Our life on this earth has a specific purpose; it is not the result of nature's accident, nor is it a punishment for eating the fruit of the forbidden tree. We are here according to God's plan: the worldly life is a test; it is a chance to prove ourselves as deserving of the eternal blissful life in the hereafter. God did not create us just for few years of this life. To be created just for this world's life would amount to a joke played by the Creator with the human species. Muhammad (pbuh), the Prophet of Islam, said, "You have not been created to perish; on the contrary, you have been created for eternal life." According to Islam, the final destination of mankind is the life hereafter. At the end of time, all human beings will be resurrected and will be held accountable for their worldly life: The life in hereafter will be an eternal life. However, whether it will be blissful or full of sorrow depends on how we spend our present life. It was to help mankind in achieving this objective that God sent various prophets and messengers to guide them. Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet; and Islam is the final and complete version of God's message.
PRIME CREATION: Human being is the prime creation of God. He says, "We have indeed honoured the children of Adam; spread them in the land and the sea, provided them with good things; and preferred them in esteem over many things that We have created." Holy Qur'an (17:70)
BORN SINLESS: Islam teaches that every human being is born sinless; no child carries the burden of his or her ancestor's sins. God says, "And a burdened soul cannot bear the burden of another and if one weighed down by burden should cry for (another to carry) its burden, not aught of it shall be carried, even though he be near of kin." Holy Qur'an (35:18) Each human being is born with a pure conscience, which can absorb and accept the true message of God. It is only the social and familial influences, which take a person away from God's message.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Islam also emphasizes on the issue of responsibility and accountability of human beings, each person is responsible for his or her own actions. Although Islam teaches that God has predetermined the span of our life and time of our death, but this does not mean that even our actions are predetermined by Him. We surely are free in our actions and are, therefore, accountable for them. God only provides guidance for us to know what is good and what is bad. He says, "Surely We have created man from a small life-germ uniting (itself): We mean to try him, so We have made him hearing, seeing. Surely We have shown him the way: he may be thankful or unthankful." Holy Qur'an (76:2-3)
RAGE: Islam very categorically rejects racial discrimination. It promotes the feeling of brotherhood and equality among its followers. God clearly says, "O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware." Holy Qur'an (49:13) Therefore, no one can claim any superiority over others based on racial or tribal differences. A person is to be judged by his character, not by his colour or race. God continues, "Surely the most honourable of you in God's sight is the person who is most upright in character among you". Holy Qur'an (49:13)
GENDER: Even gender does not count as a criterion of superiority. In Islam, a woman is as human as men. They are not evaluated on basis of their gender, but on basis of their faith and character. Fourteen hundred years ago, the Holy Qur'an recorded God's clear statements on this issue. Out of the four verses, I will just quote one: "Whoever, be it a male or a female, does good deeds and he or she is a believer, then they will enter the Paradise." Holy Qur'an (4:124) So there is no difference in the degree or level of woman's humanity or honour in Islam. The only difference there exists is concerning the role which Islam has envisioned for man and woman. This has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority. In Islam, man and woman are equal in rights; but equality is not synonymous to similarity. Islam believes that man and woman are equal but dissimilar. Islam looks at their different roles in society not as superior or inferior but as complementary to each other.
Islam is a religion of peace. This is evident even from the name "Islam" itself. ("Islam" is an Arabic word.) The word "Islam" and the Arabic word for peace, "salaam" both come from the same root, "salima". Muslims are taught to greet each other by saying "salamun alaykum (peace be upon you)." The daily prayers also end with the same sentence. In Islam, one of the names by which God is known is "Salaam", which means peace. However, one must realize that peace can never be achieved in vacuum. It is inter twined with justice. One can have peace only on basis of justice. "Justice" means putting everything in its rightful place. If one starts putting things in the wrong places, then he disrupts the social harmony and disturbs peace. Islam seeks to promote peace on two levels:
1. Peace Within One's Self: A person can achieve inner peace by creating harmony and balance between his main emotions (desire and anger) and his spiritual self. In other words, between his emotions and his conscience. Human's spiritual power or conscience is not a static phenomenon: it has the ability of growth as well as decadence. God swears by the soul of human being and says, "He inspired to it to understand what is good and what is evil. Prosperous is the person who purifies it, and failed is he who seduces it." Holy Qur'an (91:10)
2. Peace With Others: Islam very strongly emphasizes on the rights, which people have over each other. It seeks to preserve peace in society by training and urging its followers to fulfill the rights of each other. In Islam, salvation is not possible by just fulfilling the rights of God; one has to fulfill the rights of other human beings also.
Unfortunately, because of the Middle Eastern events of last three decades, Islam has been branded by the media as a religion of violence. In recent years, the word "Islamic" has become one of the adjectives of "terrorism." In this back-drop, firstly, one must realize that the events in the Middle East can be fairly and fully understood only in the light of the post world war I history of that region, in particular the promises given by the British to the Arabs. Secondly, no fair-minded person would allow himself to blame the religion of Islam for the wrong-doings of those who call themselves as Muslims. It is just like saying that the Catholic Church promotes violence and terrorism because of the Irish Republican Army's activities!
Islam is a monotheistic religion (believing in only one God) originating with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Islam is the second-largest religion in the world today, with an estimated 1.5 billion adherents, spread across the globe, known as Muslims. Muslims form the majority in more than 50 countries of the world. Today Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world - its beautiful message is reaching millions in the far corner of the earth. One more meaning of the word "Islam" means "submission", referring to the total surrender of one's self to God, and the word Muslim means "one who submits (to God)".
Muslims believe that God revealed the Holy Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the course of twenty three years as the final and last message to mankind through angel Gabriel (on whom be peace). The Holy Qur'an and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Sunnah are regarded as the fundamental sources of Islam. Muslims do not regard Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Muslims hold that part of the messages of these prophets became distorted over time either in interpretation, in text, or both. Like Judaism, and Christianity, Islam is also an Abrahamic religion.
Islam is The Religion Of Peace
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Whats your Purpose in Life?
Description: God has created the universe along with everything in it. Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Dr. Philips discusses this topic briefly.
Main Speaker: Dr. Bilal Philips
“Articulate” and “outspoken” are some of the words that describe Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. His quest for the truth led him from his birthplace of Jamaica to Toronto, where he grew up and accepted Islam in 1972. He is renowned as an Islamic student of knowledge, lecturer, author, and critical thinker.
He obtained a B.A. from the College of Usul al-Din (Islamic principles) at the Islamic University of Medina in 1979. He later obtained an M.A. in theology from King Saud University in 1985. Finally, he obtained a PhD from the University of Wales in Islamic theology in 1994.
Bilal Philips has taught Islam and Arabic in private schools, lectured M.Ed. students in the Islamic studies departments of several universities, and founded Islamic information centres while travelling around the world to teach Islam to diverse audiences.
He enjoys playing squash at least three times a week with his wife and sons as a way to stay fit and stress-free. He teaches his children martial arts and has a black belt in Karate.
He founded Islamic Online University which has over 6600 students. He has written over 100 books, of which The Fundamentals of Tawheed is his personal favourite. He lives in Doha, Qatar, with his family where he teaches at the Islamic Studies Academy.
Key Points of This Video
Introduction [start time 00:00]
Procrastinating in good? [start time 01:54]
Waiting for a calamity? [start time 04:58]
Do you really believe in God? [start time 07:00]
Worshipping God based on your accords? [start time 11:35]
How does a person Identify who his lord is? [start time 15:00]
Islamic belief in Jesus [start time 19:17]
Prayer in Islam [start time 21:05]
Is Jesus the son of God? [start time 24:33]
Terrorism and Islam? [start time 26:53]
Advice to the viewers [start time 32:28]
Conclusion [start time 35:52]
Main Speaker: Dr. Bilal Philips
“Articulate” and “outspoken” are some of the words that describe Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. His quest for the truth led him from his birthplace of Jamaica to Toronto, where he grew up and accepted Islam in 1972. He is renowned as an Islamic student of knowledge, lecturer, author, and critical thinker.
He obtained a B.A. from the College of Usul al-Din (Islamic principles) at the Islamic University of Medina in 1979. He later obtained an M.A. in theology from King Saud University in 1985. Finally, he obtained a PhD from the University of Wales in Islamic theology in 1994.
Bilal Philips has taught Islam and Arabic in private schools, lectured M.Ed. students in the Islamic studies departments of several universities, and founded Islamic information centres while travelling around the world to teach Islam to diverse audiences.
He enjoys playing squash at least three times a week with his wife and sons as a way to stay fit and stress-free. He teaches his children martial arts and has a black belt in Karate.
He founded Islamic Online University which has over 6600 students. He has written over 100 books, of which The Fundamentals of Tawheed is his personal favourite. He lives in Doha, Qatar, with his family where he teaches at the Islamic Studies Academy.
Key Points of This Video
Introduction [start time 00:00]
Procrastinating in good? [start time 01:54]
Waiting for a calamity? [start time 04:58]
Do you really believe in God? [start time 07:00]
Worshipping God based on your accords? [start time 11:35]
How does a person Identify who his lord is? [start time 15:00]
Islamic belief in Jesus [start time 19:17]
Prayer in Islam [start time 21:05]
Is Jesus the son of God? [start time 24:33]
Terrorism and Islam? [start time 26:53]
Advice to the viewers [start time 32:28]
Conclusion [start time 35:52]
Whats your Purpose in Life?
Who is Muhammad pbuh in 9 languages
Salam alikum
Who is Muhammad –peace be upon him
spread the links ..Tell All your Friend .
السلام عليكــم ورحمـة الله وبركاتــه
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
اعلان من هو محمد ؟؟ بتسع لغات
اولا اللغه العربيه
من هو محمد ؟؟
اللغه الثانيه الانجليزيه
Who is Muhammad –peace be upon him
ثالثا اللغه الفرنسيه
Qui est Mohammad (bpsl)
رابعا اللغه الاسبانيه
Quién es Muhammad (la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él
خامسا اللغه الايطاليه
Chi è Mohammed (Pace e Benedizione su di Lui),
سادسا اللغه الروسيه
Кто он – Мухаммад, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует?
سابعا اللغه العبريه
מי הוא מוחמד עליו השלום
ثامنا اللغه الصينيه
تاسعا اللغة الالمانية
Who is Muhammad –peace be upon him
spread the links ..Tell All your Friend .
السلام عليكــم ورحمـة الله وبركاتــه
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
اعلان من هو محمد ؟؟ بتسع لغات
اولا اللغه العربيه
من هو محمد ؟؟
اللغه الثانيه الانجليزيه
Who is Muhammad –peace be upon him
ثالثا اللغه الفرنسيه
Qui est Mohammad (bpsl)
رابعا اللغه الاسبانيه
Quién es Muhammad (la paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él
خامسا اللغه الايطاليه
Chi è Mohammed (Pace e Benedizione su di Lui),
سادسا اللغه الروسيه
Кто он – Мухаммад, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует?
سابعا اللغه العبريه
מי הוא מוחמד עליו השלום
ثامنا اللغه الصينيه
تاسعا اللغة الالمانية
The Creation of The Sky (Quran and Science series)
Description: The Quran is a book sent to all of mankind. As a proof for the authenticity of the Quran, God placed in it various miracles. Amongst these are the scientific miracles of the Quran. This Episode deals with some scientific indications relative to the sky.
Producer: Huda
Key Points of This Video
Introduction [start time 00:00]
The Audience share their comments on the verse [start time 02:06]
Dr. Zaghlol El-Naggar shares his comments on the verse [start time 03:41]
1st part of the verse: How was the sky built? [start time 05:40]
2nd part of the verse: The ornamentation of the sky. [start time 06:40]
3rd part of the verse: There are no voids in the universe. [start time 08:50]
What is the sky? [start time 13:40]
Does every sky have stars? [start time 15:39]
Are the planets and stars simply for decoration? [start time 16:50]
The Meteors and Meteoroids and the Islamic perspective [start time 19:47]
Does this verse refer to heaven? [start time 22:10]
Conclusion [start time 24:00]
The Unseen Pillars (Quran and Science series)
Description: The Quran is a book sent to all of mankind. As a proof for the authenticity of the Quran, God placed in it various miracles. Amongst these miracles are the scientific miracles of the Quran. This episode deals with the "Quranic Mention" of unseen powers upholding the sky.
Main Speaker: Dr. Zaghlol El-Najjar
Key Points of This Video
Introduction [start time 00:00]
Dr. Zaghlol explaining the concept of unseen pillars [start time 04:30]
Powers that hold the universe together [start time 06:00]
Are the forces of the earth measurable? [start time 10:00]
Does the sun have an orbit? [start time 12:57]
Allah ascending the throne [start time 14:37]
Unity in the creation of God [start time 18:20]
Conclusion [start time 24:22]
Other Videos in the Same Category :
Miracles of the Quran – Nature
Miracles of the Quran – Orbits
Description: The Quran is a book sent to all of mankind. As a proof for the authenticity of the Quran, God placed in it various miracles. Amongst these are the scientific miracles of the Quran. This Episode deals with some scientific indications relative to the sky.
Producer: Huda
Key Points of This Video
Introduction [start time 00:00]
The Audience share their comments on the verse [start time 02:06]
Dr. Zaghlol El-Naggar shares his comments on the verse [start time 03:41]
1st part of the verse: How was the sky built? [start time 05:40]
2nd part of the verse: The ornamentation of the sky. [start time 06:40]
3rd part of the verse: There are no voids in the universe. [start time 08:50]
What is the sky? [start time 13:40]
Does every sky have stars? [start time 15:39]
Are the planets and stars simply for decoration? [start time 16:50]
The Meteors and Meteoroids and the Islamic perspective [start time 19:47]
Does this verse refer to heaven? [start time 22:10]
Conclusion [start time 24:00]
The Unseen Pillars (Quran and Science series)
Description: The Quran is a book sent to all of mankind. As a proof for the authenticity of the Quran, God placed in it various miracles. Amongst these miracles are the scientific miracles of the Quran. This episode deals with the "Quranic Mention" of unseen powers upholding the sky.
Main Speaker: Dr. Zaghlol El-Najjar
Key Points of This Video
Introduction [start time 00:00]
Dr. Zaghlol explaining the concept of unseen pillars [start time 04:30]
Powers that hold the universe together [start time 06:00]
Are the forces of the earth measurable? [start time 10:00]
Does the sun have an orbit? [start time 12:57]
Allah ascending the throne [start time 14:37]
Unity in the creation of God [start time 18:20]
Conclusion [start time 24:22]
Other Videos in the Same Category :
Miracles of the Quran – Nature
Miracles of the Quran – Orbits
Interfaith Marriages
Children have the right to be brought up in an Islamic environment by good Muslim parents. So Muslim men in the West should think carefully before marrying outside the faith.
Muslim men and women are told to seek faithful spouses with a strong, good belief, and not allow non-Muslim standards of selection influence them. Muslim men can marry only Muslim, Christian, or Jewish chaste women, while Muslim women can marry only chaste Muslim men.
Allah (s.w.t.) said:
This day are (all) good things made lawful for you. The food of those who have received the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. And so are the virtuous women of the believers and the virtuous women of those who have received the Scripture before you (lawful for you) when you give them their marriage portions and live with them in honor, not in fornication, nor taking them as secret concubines. Whoso denies the faith, his work is vain and he will be among the losers in the Hereafter. [Qur'an: Al-Ma'idah (5:5)].
A Muslim man is discouraged from marrying a non-Muslim woman if there is no Islamic State or if he is not living in an existing Islamic state, since the non-Islamic states do not recognize his rights as head of the family to raise the children Islamically. On the contrary, the children will most likely be brought up in their mother's religion, since the Muslim husband does not have his Islamic rights in his non-Muslim wife's country.
There are many tragic examples of Muslim men who tried to take their children to their Muslim countries after they divorced non-Muslim wives. The women in many of these cases succeeded in bringing the children back to be raised in the non-Islamic societies as non-Muslims. The fathers are referred to as kidnappers (of their own children) in the non-Islamic media. Unfortunately, even the governments in Muslim countries these days help the non-Muslim wives to get custody of the children. This is due to the absence of an Islamic state which would protect Muslim children from being kidnapped by non-Muslim wives to be raised as non-Muslims.
Muslim men should consider these issues before they marry non-Muslim women, especially when the man is strongly influenced by her physical appearance. A Muslim man should look to the future and consider his duties toward his children. The cases mentioned show clearly the damage that can be done to children in interfaith marriages, and while a personal sin may be easy to forget and repent from, one may never overcome the problems that arise because his children were raised as non-Muslims as a result of his negligence concerning providing the right spouse and community for them. Children have the right to be brought up in an Islamic environment by good Muslim parents.
The benefits of marrying a non-Muslim woman are minimal when both live in a non-Islamic state. The woman and her relatives would not see how Muslims live as a community, nor would they have close contact with family, should the Muslim man decide to marry her and live outside the Islamic State. Marrying a chaste Christian or Jewish woman in a non-Islamic state should be considered as a last resort and as the only alternative to keep him from falling into adultery. Men, however, should be aware of the fact that most women in non-Islamic societies do not qualify as chaste women in Islam, (i.e. abstention from unlawful sexual activities). Some Muslim men ignore these conditions and ignore the commands of Allah when they are misled and fooled by a smile from a non-Muslim woman.
Abdullah Ibn `Abbas, a famous companion of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and a famous scholar, said that Muslim men should not marry Christian or Jewish women from people who are enemies of Islam.
Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi, a contemporary Muslim scholar, said that the Christian or Jewish women can be married only if the four conditions summarized below are satisfied:
She must be Kitabiyyah, i.e. Christian or Jewish by faith, and not by virtue of birth into a Christian or Jewish family. Many women who live in Christian or Jewish societies today are atheists, Buddhists or Bahai's. These women are prohibited for Muslim men. A woman who commits apostasy, by becoming a non-Muslim after being a Muslim, would not be allowed to marry a Muslim man, since apostasy is much worse than unbelief.
She must be Muhsanah, which means chaste and virtuous. Women who are involved in illicit relationships with men are prohibited for Muslim men. Most non-Muslim women these days do not qualify as Muhsanat (chaste and virtuous women who abstain from sexual activities outside marriage), and Muslim men should fear Allah and keep this condition in mind.
The woman should not be from people who are fighting Islam or are helping others to fight Islam.
There should be no threat or possible harm from marrying her. For example, if a man's children would not be raised as Muslims, he should not marry her. If the courts in a non-Islamic society would give the children to her in the case of divorce, then he cannot marry her, unless she agrees that he would have the children in the case of divorce.
Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi also said that Muslim men may not marry Christian or Jewish women if the Muslim community is a small minority in a huge non-Muslim society, and such marriages would make it impossible for Muslim women to find Muslim men to marry. This is classified under "limiting the allowed" in the Islamic jurisprudence. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi used the example that if all people grew cotton instead of wheat, the government would have the right to stop them from doing so, since wheat is a necessary food ingredient, even though growing cotton is allowed in normal cases.
Non-Muslim women who repent and accept Islam are treated as any other Muslim if their acceptance of Islam is sincere and not merely for the purpose of marrying Muslim men. Islam forgives all that was before it. Some people, however, accept Islam by name only to marry a Muslim, without showing the least change in their lifestyles to prove that they are following Islam. One should not marry from such people.
There are many Muslim girls of a marriageable age who are living in non-Islamic countries, and it is the duty of the Muslim men to protect these girls from marrying non-Muslim men, which is absolutely prohibited in Islam. If Muslim men loosely practice their right to marry Christian or Jewish women, the Muslims girls in non-Islamic societies will be forced into unwanted circumstances and Muslim men will be at least partially responsible and will get their share of the punishment from Allah.
In considering marriage to a non-Muslim woman a man should remember that marriage is more than the private marital relationship. A good Muslim woman would provide her husband with total security, comfort, trust, tranquility, and happiness, and would raise the children as good Muslims. A man would not have to see his children taken to a church every Sunday without being able to prevent it or live with the concern that his wife would teach his children un-Islamic traditions. It is much easier to trust a Muslim woman than to trust a non-Muslim woman who does not fear Allah, and know that He is watching her all the time. And certainly a woman who does not fear Allah, who sees and knows everything, will not fear or obey her husband who is only home in the evenings.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said:
A woman is chosen as a wife for her wealth, beauty, family, and faith. Win the one that has the faith or you would ruin your life. (Bukhari and Muslim).
The following verse from the Qur'an beautifully gives us the guidelines for selecting the right wife:
Allah (s.w.t.) said:
Do not marry unbelieving women until they believe; a slave woman who believes is better than a free woman who does not believe, even though the latter may appear very attractive to you. Al-Qur'an: Al-Baqarah (2:221)
Interfaith Marriages
Open your heart and your mind that's for people who know so clean your mind , soul and looking to your heart try to purify it ! that's the truth it may change your life to the better !!
Danish blasphemer burns to death
Kurt Westergaard
Kurt Westergaard (born July 13, 1935) is an award-winning Danish cartoonist whose cartoon depiction of the Muslim prophet Muhammad has made him a source of criticism, outrage and even violence.
IN an investigative report, an Arabic newspaper, published from Saudi Arabia, has claimed that Kurt Westergaard, Danish cartoonist, has died in a fire incident.
The Danish authorities are trying their best to hide his death, who have found no clue about how the fire broke out and why only the room in which blasphemer Kurt was staying had been damaged.
The initial investigation shows that the cartoonist, who committed blasphemy by drawing objectionable caricatures of Prophet (Peace be Upon Him), was provided complete security, as he had received many threats from across the globe after the Muslims had been enraged due to the repeated publication of the caricatures in the European press.
It is worth recalling that the blasphemous cartoons first appeared in Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
The investigative report says the incident took place some days back in which Westergaard was burnt seriously and died on the spot, but the international media is completely silent about it.
The report further claims that some eyewitnesses are also available to testify the happenings. The Danish authorities have so far been unable to find any hint about the cause of fire, as they had started investigations while keeping in mind some external conspiracy to kill the blasphemer.
According to the BBC, a total of twelve persons were involved in the blasphemous act, but all of them, except Kurt, had opted to go underground to escape the public wrath after the Muslims around the world had participated in protest rallies which were attended by millions of people.
People in Pakistan had also joined their brethren like those in Indonesia, Bangladesh, India and many Arab countries to register protest against the conspiracy to malign Muslims and their religion. In Lahore and Peshawar, the demonstrators had turned violent and around six persons were killed during the course, while property worth million of rupees was reduced to ashes.
But instead of expressing any remorse, Westergaard went public on many occasions saying he had no regret for committing such a shameful act.
The Saudi newspaper says the death of Kurt shows how powerful Allah Almighty is, as despite the foolproof security arrangements, none was able to save him from his tragic end.
Kurt Westergaard
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